وزارة السياحة والاثار

Ministry Vision

قطاع سياحي متطور وقادر على المنافسة، ويساهم بنسبه عالية في الناتج المحلي الاجمالي والحفاظ على مواقع التراث الثقافي محمية ومصانة ومدارة بشكل فعّال.


تنمية قطاع السياحة من أجل المساهمة الفعالة في التنمية الشاملة لقطاعات المجتمع الفلسطيني، وذلك لقدرة هذا القطاع على اجتذاب الاستثمارات الوطنية والأجنبية، وأهميته في زيادة فرص العمل.

Ministry active programs
  • البرنامج السياحي.
  • برنامج التراث الثقافي.
  • البرنامج الإداري.
  • موظفين غير موزعين على برامج.

Strategic Goals
  • الهدف الأول: منتج سياحي ذو جودة عالية.
  • الهدف الثاني: مواقع تراث ثقافي محمية ومصانة ومدارة بشكل فعال.
  • الهدف الثالث: فلسطين مروجه ومسوقة كمقصد سياحي مستفل وآمن ومتميز.

توزيع الموازنة الجارية والرأسمالية تبعاً للبرامج/ بالشيكل


Citizen Budget

a simplified document of the general budget Ministry of Education. Expressed in numbers, figures and graphs, it summarizes the key expenditure policies, approaches and priorities of the Ministry for the upcoming year. The budget enables citizens to become familiarized with the distribution of expenses among different programs and items in the education sector and consequently, to monitor governmental expenditures on education.

Operational costs

the necessary expenditures for the operation of the public institution, i.e. the Ministry (Electricity, water, fuel, travel, etc.)

Developmental expenditures

are expenditures which have a nature that is different from current expenditures in terms of their useful life and the return from expenditures, and are financed by the PA budget and donors.

Capital expenditures

what the government [Ministry] spends on the possession of capital assets (buildings, land, equipment, vehicles, etc.)

Current expenditures

This includes salaries and wages, raises, operational and referral expenditures of the ministry, public institutions and the other executive bodies of the State of Palestine

Program for employees not distributed within programs

a special program for employees in the Gaza Strip

Gender-responsive budget

A gender-responsive budget is considered a tool for financial planning with economic and social dimensions, which helps the government to integrate gender in the preparation and implementation of the public budget. This is to ensure that available financial resources are allocated in a just manner and aimed at eradicating discrimination on the basis of gender in regards to government services and in a way that meets the specific needs of men, women, girls, boys and marginalized social sectors.

Citizen budgets for the ministry during previous years

Year Capital Expenditures Capital Expenditures percent Developmental Budget Developmental Budget percent Operational Expenditures Operational Expenditures percent Social Assistance Benefits Social Assistance Benefits percent Total Yearly Budget
2024 87,500 0.30% 8,800,000 25.80% 6,039,176 17.70% 34,107,912

Chart of the citizen's budget during previous years

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